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【Tutorial】手把手教你文字分析 (Hands-on Tutorial of Text Analytics)
《主講人》劉明機 教授

聊天機器人(ChatBot)近年來被各企業寄予厚望,將其定義為可創造差異化服務的新工具,也因此帶動文字分析的需求。本工作坊將帶領大家設計一個資料驅動(data-driven)的聊天機器人,透過自動化的文字語意、分群、情感分析,聊天機器人將可以是知識溝通的新橋梁,有效提升資訊服務的品質。"文字資料分析",將會介紹文字處理與語意理解(Processing and Understanding Text),Word Embedding的技術與應用。文字分群(Text Clustering) 將介紹Affinity propagation 的分群演算法,以抽取文字的代表性意見。亦介紹情感分析(sentiment analysis)技術於理解使用者滿意度。


Dr. Ming-Chi Liu is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of Feng Chia University, Taiwan. Dr. Liu is also a principal investigator of the project "Applying deep learning technique for assessing and developing of computational thinking capability" in Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan. His research specialties include natural language processing, EEG, and affective computing. He received his MS degree in information and learning technology from the National University of Tainan in 2006 and Ph.D. degree in engineering science from the National Cheng Kung University in 2012. Dr. Liu involves in the educational technology research for over ten years and has published over ten refereed international journal papers.


最後更新 : 2017-12-13